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Naval Surgeon: the diary of Dr Samuel Pelham Boyer choose

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[US] S.P. Boyer in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) I 169: He gives me particular h—l for the shortness of my letters .
at give someone hell (v.) under hell, n.
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 15 May in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 189: All were gay and happy [...] Secoconoson and all the rest as lively as bugs in a rug.
at ...a bug in a rug under happy as..., adj.
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 27 May in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 49: Satsuma is getting hard up for chow chow. The Northern army has more money, men and food than the Southern.
at chow-chow, n.1
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 10 Apr. in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 34: The Japs have a high opinion of Americans — call us No. 1 (icheban). [Ibid.] 9 Aug. 89: Mr. Jap took upon himself the right to arrest and detain the ward room steward.
at Jap, n.
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 15 May in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 189: Saw Jap town by moonlight. [Ibid.] 13 June 201: Jap coal is worse than our bituminous coal at home.
at Jap, adj.
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 19 June in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 59: I took a walk up Curio Street ‘to look see’ (as the Japs say).
at looksee, v.
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 13 June in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 54: I am afraid that he ‘will carry the pitcher once too often to the well.’ If so, why, he’ll be compelled to weep for his Japanese lady friend and have occasion to remember her for some time. For a victim of ‘Miss Placed Confidence’ in Japan is the worst kind of victim. [Ibid.] 12 Aug. 89: Lanced a bubo for Mr. Heaton, right groin — another victim of ‘Miss Placed Confidence’.
at Miss Placed Confidence (n.) under Miss, n.
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 8 Apr. in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 31: I am a young bachelor doing business in the place and I wish a ‘moosmie’ [musume — daughter, girl or young woman] as the young ladies are called. [...] I hire her by the month. [Ibid.] 13 June 54: John is rather fond of the Japanese moosmies and when ever he is on shore makes love to them.
at moose, n.2
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 16 Oct. in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 102: A grand ‘John Nugi,’ or, as some call it, a ‘Johnnie Nookee.’ In order for me to explain said affair, it will be necessary for me to state that a ‘Nugi’ [Nugu, meaning to take off (one’s clothing)] consists of nothing more or less than a fine display of human form divine of ye fair but frail daughters of Japan. [...] Every girl follows a leader, and if she makes a mistake, why, she forfeits a portion of her clothing. This little game continues until everyone of the girls is as naked as she was when she came into the world. By this time the girls are about half full of saki; the gentlemen drink enough to make them feel their oats. As soon as the girls are naked, why, so soon do they commence to perform all manner of tricks, dancing in the most voluptuous manner, placing themselves in all the different kinds of attitudes that one might imagine men and women would take whilst having carnal communication with each other.
at nookie, n.
[US] S.P. Boyer diary 28 Apr. in Barnes Naval Surgeon (1963) 176: The canned lobster will play ‘Old Harry’ with his bowels.
at play old Harry (with) (v.) under Old Harry, n.
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