1864 J. Barber War Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer 132: I am afeard you will regaird me as little better'n a bag of wind in makin wot may seem to be vane pursenal illushins to myself, but I asshoor you I am not puft up in the leest.at bag of wind (n.) under bag, n.1
1864 J. Barber War Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer 87: The hurry-up-your-cakes fackshin hes wunst more opend its saft-shell battrees agen the administrashin.at hurry up the cakes (v.) under cake, n.1
1864 J. Barber War Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer 242: I feel riled and put by to think that my illustrus frend should be held up to public contemp as a foo-foo.at foo-foo, n.