1821 in J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 25/2: Carver and gilder, a match maker.at carver and gilder, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 3: Let other Bucks say what they will, / We’re Bang-up in the Fields.at bang-up, adj.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 6: He rolled into the Coffee-room to mix with a few of the Surrey birds.at bird, n.1
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 21: A blackie, with a pair of wooden legs, filled the office [of chairman].at blackie (n.) under black, adj.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 6: His absorbent vessels had drained off three bottles of black strap.at black strap (n.) under black, adj.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 11: Bloods, of every sort and size, / Bloods, who pleasure dearly prize.at blood, n.1
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 25/1: Brickish hearty, hard as a brick.at brickish (adj.) under brick, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 13: Dick was now obliged to give his pal the wink to prepare for budging.at budge, v.1
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 8: She had a bit of a turn-up with a poor Pie-man, whom she so belabored over the canister with a poker.at canister, n.1
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 10: As he is very full of glib, you must let him have all the jaw-work to himself, and give a holiday to your cat’s meat.at cat’s meat, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 11: And if we should to college go, / Three months pays every debt we owe.at college, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 4: A thorough-bred Surrey Cove allows of no place under the sun to stand in comparison.at cove, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 20: Two men and a woman [...] hailed them to enquire if they were going to the crib.at crib, n.1
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 13: If we hadn’t cut the line he’d soon have talk’d us blind.at cut the line (v.) under cut, v.2
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 6: Dick, who was up to every thing, and down to every thing.at down, adv.2
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 13: Lest the Doctor should flash the narl, they managed to leave the room unobserved.at flash the gnarl (v.) under flash, v.1
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 10: If you can flash the ready you may command every luxury on earth.at flash, v.1
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 9: It may be as well [...] to put you fly to a thing or two.at put (someone) fly (v.) under fly, adj.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 10: As he is very full of glib, you must let him have all the jaw-work to himself.at glib, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 17: Strike me funny but I’d rather have been blowing a cloud with a pot of heavy before me.at heavy wet, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 14: Bill placed his canister under the thieving-irons.at thieving irons, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 22: A Jack Tar (as proxy for the chairman,) sung.at jack tar, n.1
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 10: As he is very full of glib, you must let him have all the jaw-work to himself.at jaw-work (n.) under jaw, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 17: Why gigger me if my master didn’t give me an order for common Garden last week.at jigger!, excl.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 3: Every kiddy who travels with us will confess [...] that Surrey is a world of itself.at kiddy, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 21: Every thing but what was capable of passing the throat was well secured from the mauleys.at mauley, n.
1821 J. Burrowes Life in St George’s Fields 17: Strike me funny but I’d rather have been blowing a cloud with a pot of heavy before me.at strike me funny! (excl.) under strike me...!, excl.