1918 Butterfly and Firefly 23 Nov. 1: ‘Come on,’ he chortled, ‘and get into the clobber!’.at clobber, n.
1918 Butterfly and Firefly 23 Nov. 8: A full-grown gentleman in blue [...] collared those two bad feller-me-lads.at collar, v.
1918 Butterfly and Firefly 23 Nov. 1: Being rich is not what it’s cracked up to be!at not all it’s cracked up to be under crack up, v.1
1918 Butterfly and Firefly 23 Nov. 1: I trotted off to the Duchess of Dinkums, where the ball was to be held.at trot (out), v.
1918 Butterfly and Firefly 23 Nov. 8: I’ve not done the camera-breaking stunt for donkeys’ years.at stunt, n.
1918 Butterfly and Firefly 23 Nov. 8: My! he was waxy when he found he was my prisoner.at waxy, adj.1