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The Gay-cat choose

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[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 233: Wait till some o’ the kid mobs [...] hear tell o’ this, Frisco Kid. Yer life won’t be worth a nickel.
at not worth a plugged nickel, phr.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 264: That old bum ain’t worth a hill o’ beans nowadays; he’s soaked up too much whiskey in his time.
at not worth a hill of beans under hill of beans, a, phr.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 107: ‘Which of the two no-accounts do yer mean?’ asked the Frisco Kid.
at no-account, n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-Cat 92: He fumbled [...] in his trousers pocket. ‘It’s not much — only an ace spot.’ [...] There was something in one of his manacled hands. It was a dollar bill.
at ace-spot (n.) under ace, n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 187: Alky! [...] Gee, I’ve been thirstin’ fur a drink o’ alky ever since I hit these horstile parts.
at alky, n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 149: Don’t worry none about your dog. He’s eating here in the corner just like all-git-out.
at all get out, phr.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 265: If it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t ’a’ eaten anything these last three days. I’ve been Chinee cook an’ Portugee bottle-washer round these diggin’s all that time.
at chief cook and bottle-washer, n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 113: ‘A strong-armer,’ breathed the Kid in a cold whisper of awe. [...] ‘Sure, a strong-armer [...] Thet’s Black Finn, Strong-arm hisself.’.
at strong-arm man (n.) under strong-arm, adj.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 214: Lees is happy as a clam in high water.
at ...a clam under happy as..., adj.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 301: Baldy—an old man.
at baldy, n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 301: Ball—a dollar.
at ball, n.1
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 305: Ball lump—sandwiches, cake, etc, handed out to a tramp, wrapped in paper.
at ball lump (n.) under ball, n.1
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 22: Kid [...] you’ll have to batter for handouts this mornin’.
at batter, v.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 60: Scar-face Mike Hagan! [...] I’d know your beauty-mark a block away.
at beauty mark (n.) under beauty, n.1
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 238: Wot d’yuh say now Kid? Gonna beef where it’s hid?
at beef, v.1
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 98: Aw, Crybaby [...] What yer beefin’ about, anyway?
at beef, v.1
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 301: Beefer – one who squeals on a fellow-tramp or criminal.
at beefer (n.) under beef, v.1
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 109: ‘Still got the dorg, I see, Kid,’ he said [...]. ‘You betcha,’ was the proud rejoinder.
at you bet! (excl.) under bet, v.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 245: In the hip pocket of Charley Small he found a billy of lead.
at billy, n.4
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 111: He carried under one arm a roll of clothing, the ‘bindle’ tied compactly with a bit of hay-rope.
at bindle, n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 301: Black-top – moving-picture tent.
at blacktop (n.) under black, adj.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 61: I’ve bin wandering here and there, on the rods and blinds and in John O’Briens. [Ibid.] 301: Blind-baggage — baggage-car behind engine, the front end of which has no door.
at blind, n.2
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 59: Stand up, blokey, an’ let Slim look youse over!
at bloke, n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 62: I’d joined out with a feller name o’ Blondy.
at blondie, n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 113: I didn’t expect him to blow along, or me an’ me push ’ud never ’a’ jungled up here.
at blow in, v.2
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 13: The years I’ve spent a-trainin’ of him to be a blowed-in-the-glass stiff [Ibid.] 107: One o’ them bums used ter be a blowed-in-the-bottle as good as yuh ’n’ me. [Ibid.] 108: When I seen him last he was travelin’ hobo fashion as a real blowed-in-the-glass.
at blowed-in-the-glass (stiff), n.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 301: Boomer—a hobo who solicits subscriptions for magazines, or engages in clerical work or anything high-toned while he is on the bo.
at on the bo under bo, n.1
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 12: He gets setdowns. Yes siree bob: every time. Setdowns in the kitchen.
at yes siree bob!, excl.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 235: Oh, he’s hard-boiled, thet kid [...] He’s bin workin’ with a nortorious [sic] yegg afore this.
at hard-boiled, adj.
[US] P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 303: Give a Man the Boots — to kick and stamp on a man.
at give someone the boot (v.) under boot, the, n.
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