Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Big O and Sir Glory choose

Quotation Text

[UK] W. Cobbett Big O and Sir Glory II i: I don’t care a louse’s liver for your poparality, as you call it.
at not care a louse, v.
[UK] W. Cobbett Big O and Sir Glory I ii: Be Jases (clenching his fists at Howitzer), I’ll . . . .
at bejazus!, excl.
[UK] W. Cobbett Big O and Sir Glory I i: I shall never forget [...] how a turned up his poor little ‘black neb,’ [...] and went off like any lamb.
at go off, v.
[UK] W. Cobbett Big O and Sir Glory I ii: That’s a thumper, at any rate.
at thumper, n.
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