Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Zanesville Signal choose

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[US] Zanesville (OH) Signal 16 July sect. I 5/1: Father Juniper Serra heeled in with the settlers and sprung missions, presidios and pueblos.
at heel, v.3
[US] Zanesville (OH) Signal 16 July sect. I 5/1: The sleeper went over and the Spanish national ensign went up at San Diego.
at sleeper, n.
[US] Zanesville (OH) Signal 16 July sect. I 5/1: The Spaniard stood pat until England cooled off on the caper.
at stand pat (v.) under stand, v.2
[US] Falk & Davis Mandrake the Magician in Zanesville (OH) Signal 14 July 14/1: [cartoon caption] Since you prefer prize fighters, I’ve become one to please you, Carma. – She doesn’t need your flowers, nutcake!
at nutcake (n.) under nut, n.2
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