Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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In the Tennessee Mountains choose

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[US] C.E. Craddock In the Tennessee Mountains 66: He war a plumb idjit.
at eejit, n.
[US] C.E. Craddock In the Tennessee Mountains 66: ‘What wat it ez happened at the Pen?’ [...] ‘They put him right inter the forge at the Pen, an’ he tuk ter the work like a pig ter carrots.’ The ex-convict [...] cast his eye disparagingly.
at pen, n.2
[US] C.E. Craddock In the Tennessee Mountains 67: ‘Shucks!’ rejoined Pete incredulously.
at shucks!, excl.
[US] C.E. Craddock In the Tennessee Mountains 33: ’Vander’s lawyer never summonsed but a few of the slack-jawed boys from the Settlemint ter prove his good character.
at slack-jaw (n.) under slack, n.1
[US] C.E. Craddock In the Tennessee Mountains 138: There was circulating among Jerry Shaw’s friends a flat bottle, facetiously denominated ‘tickler,’ readily emptied but as readily replenished from a keg.
at tickler, n.
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