Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] ‘Q.K. Philander Doesticks’ Doesticks Letters 255: Two old foozles in white neckcloths and no collars.
at foozle, n.
[US] ‘Q.K. Philander Doesticks’ Doesticks Letters 291: Shall sue the city, for I know that in the fighting business I did my duty as an M. P. according to police usage from time immemorial.
at m.p., n.
[US] ‘Q.K. Philander Doesticks’ Doesticks Letters 309: Brandy-‘smashes,’ rum-punches, gin-cocktails, sherry-cobblers, mint-juleps, and every kind of desirable potable, are all manufactured from ‘Longworth’s Sparkling’.
at smash, n.1
[US] ‘Q.K. Philander Doesticks’ Doesticks Letters 59: My glass of brandy, [...] [which] should have been ‘straight,’ was also surreptitiously diluted.
at straight, adj.2
[US] ‘Q.K. Philander Doesticks’ Doesticks Letters 314: The appointments generally at this place might not be considered very tasteful by the white trash.
at white trash, n.
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