at in one’s altitudes (adj.) under altitudes, n.
at play fast and loose with a woman’s apron-strings (v.) under play (at)..., v.
at booby, n.1
at put the change on (v.) under change, n.
at colt, n.1
at have a knock in the cradle (v.) under knock in the cradle, n.
at hit, v.
at horse-pox (n.) under horse, n.
at by the mack! (excl.) under mack, n.1
at old madge, n.1
at mouldy, adj.
at niece, n.
at nouns!, excl.
at odsbobs! (excl.) under ods, n.
at padder, n.1
at pox on —! (excl.) under pox, n.1
at pox take —! (excl.) under pox, n.1
at scanderbeg, n.
at smoke, v.1
at smoke, v.1
at spout, v.1
at on the square under square, adj.
at sweat, v.2
at thick-skulled (adj.) under thick, adj.
at topping, adj.
at whipster, n.
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