1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 143: There are reports in this office that don’t help out your reputations worth a cent.at worth a cent under worth a..., phr.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 129: It is but a step from relying on a thief for one’s bread and butter [...] to taking bribes and a ‘percentage’ out of a robbery.at bread and butter, n.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 84: ‘If So-and-So, and So-and-So,’ etc., and he mentioned the names of certain Boston people.at so-and-so, n.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 18: I had been inclined to believe that the ‘strong-arm’ crimes were committed by men who were transients in the city.at strong-arm, adj.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 17: The freedom with which the ‘hold-up’ and ‘strong-arm’ men conduct their operations.at strong-arm man (n.) under strong-arm, adj.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 9: Other cities have similar nicknames. [...] Boston, ‘Bean-Town’; Detroit, ‘Slow-Town’; Baltimore, ‘Balt,’ and Kansas City, ‘Kay See’.at Balt, n.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 78: Do you think Boston is as much of a bank-man’s hang-out as it used to be?at bank-man (n.) under bank, n.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 9: Other cities have similar nicknames. [...] Boston, ‘Bean-Town’.at Bean Town (n.) under bean, n.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 47: The Big Man’s* protectin’ most o’ them [*The Pinkerton Detective Agency].at big man (n.) under big, adj.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 174: Now, an A Number One guy goes out for big money or none at all.at big, adj.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 99: Those Britishers know how to punish, let me tell you that. If we punished guns in this country the way they do we wouldn’t have so many of ’em. I know, ’cause I’ve done bits in both countries.at do a/one’s bit (v.) under bit, n.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 185: It was a deal ’t I’d thought about a lot, and the farmers bit like suckers.at bite, v.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 180: Some of ’em bleed the pub [...] worse than any municipal police force in the country.at bleed, v.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 103: When I’d made a get-away after doin’ a job, I was never satisfied till I’d blown in ev’ry dollar.at blow in, v.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 62: The spotter must have sized me up to be ‘one of the boys’. [...] It is my misfortune to be sometimes taken by the Upper World for a detective.at boys, the, n.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 63: [They] said that they were glad to see me and immediately ‘braced’ me for a loan.at brace, v.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 24: Times was gettin’ tough when they wouldn’t give an old-timer like me a chance to catch his breath before they braced ’im.at brace, v.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 172: If ‘business’ is brisk, and there is a good deal ‘doing,’ the public is naturally mulcted much more than during lean years.at business, n.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 157: As a rule when I’m busted I settle the wif’ in some boardin’-house on tick, an’ stay by my lonely till I’ve located some more oof.at busted (out), adj.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 18: They are professional grafters, every one of them, and I can call the turn on nearly fifty myself.at call the turn (v.) under call, v.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 137: The thief had him covered with his ‘cannon’ before he could do any damage.at cannon, n.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 91: The Cap says you want me to chew the rag about municipal corruption.at cap, n.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 39: If he broke faith with me, and I was brought up on the carpet, I should do what a gun of my acquaintance claims is always his practice under such circumstances — ’squeal on the copper’.at on the carpet under carpet, n.1
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 167: The jury will railroad you on general principles, in spite of the evidence [...] because you’re known to be a hard case.at hard case, n.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 17: There is another constituency in Chicago which desires that the city be cleaned up.at clean up, v.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 16: If it is not clean, it is plain to him that the police department either has orders ‘from above’ not to do its duty, or has refused of its own accord.at clean, adj.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 158: When I’ve got another piece of coin planted, I connects with the fam’ly again, an’ takes another turn ’round the circle.at connect, v.
1901 J. Flynt World of Graft 11: It’s the same way with the gun* himself. Course he’s got to cough up to the coppers ev’ry now an’ then, but that’s fair enough. [*Thief].at cough up, v.