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Ten Years in Wall Street choose

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[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 35: The puritan and blackleg exhange a sympathetic smile, when they see the stocks advancing in which they are interested.
at blackleg, n.1
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 43: A flunkey in livery, on the back seat with a bug on his hat.
at bug, n.4
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 81: ‘Seller three,’ rejoined O, ‘or regular?’ ‘Nothing up! and buyer three.’ ‘No commish,’ &c.
at commish, n.
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years in Wall Street 37: As for those who take ‘flyers’ in one or two hundred shares, they are a great host whom no man can describe, much less enumerate.
at take a flier (v.) under flyer, n.2
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 32: The ring, to use a Wall Street phrase in this way, ‘milk the street,’ taking money out of the bears, who sell at a low price; and out of the bulls, who buy at a high price.
at milk, v.
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 79: Mysterious men, cormorants of ‘Queer Street,’ who seemed to extract a rich sustenance out of the viewless air.
at Queer Street, n.
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 82: He [...] offered with the greatest cheerfulness to show me the lions, or rather the bulls and bears of the street.
at see the lions (v.) under see, v.
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 43: A pair of spanking bays, tandem, whirled him to the Park in a tall Belmont, with a flunkey in livery.
at spanking, adj.
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 42: Making the values which pass through his hands perspire golden drops, just as the Jews clip and sweat the coin they handle.
at sweat, v.1
[US] W.W. Fowler Ten Years In Wall Street 32: In that case, the ring find themselves saddled with a large amount of stock, for which there is little demand. And now the problem is to unload.
at unload, v.
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