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Tsotsi choose

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[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 14: Ja. Sick man. Like a dog. Sick like a dog.
at …a dog (adj.) under sick as…, adj.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 35: The shebeen boys. The bad eggs.
at bad egg (n.) under bad, adj.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 6: Why? Die Aap is asking a question. Boston laughs. ‘Because [...] of this cherry. Ja man. Buggered him up she did.’.
at cherry, n.1
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 60: It was the day the mineshaft collapsed. [...] They eventually found him and lifted up the heavy beam that had fallen across his legs. [...] ‘Tsotsi’, he said aloud and spat on the pavement. ‘Tsotsi shit! Dogshit! Mangy, dug-dry, yellow bitch shit!’.
at dogshit! (excl.) under dogshit, n.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 139: Boston stank as bad as a backyard. He had also messed in his trousers.
at mess, v.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 145: It says you can’t work at Natty Outfitters because your last employer did not sign your book.
at natty, adj.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 35: The shebeen boys. The bad eggs.
at shebeen, n.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 71: Bloody stinking lot of white people. Here is your money and go back.
at stinking, adj.1
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 84: When you crawl you grunt like a dog thing.
at thing, n.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 36: There was only an old man in the shop buying a tickey plug of chew tobacco.
at tickey, n.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 125: An Indian chased him away from his shop door, shouting and calling him a tsotsi.
at tsotsi, n.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 54: He’s bad. Wragtig bad hey.
at wragtig, adj.
[SA] A. Fugard Tsotsi 20: The zol passed between Butcher and Die Aap. They took sharp, deep drags, smoking with a quiet intensity.
at zol, n.
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