Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] (ref. to 1960s) in Gay News n.p.: We would zhoosh [‘fix’] our riahs [‘hair’], powder our eeks [‘faces’], climb into our bona [‘nice’] new drag [‘clothes’], don our batts [‘shoes’] and troll off [‘cruise’] to some bona bijou [‘nice, small’] bar.
at bijou, adj.
[UK] (ref. to 1950s) in Gay News n.p.: We would zhoosh [‘fix’] our riahs [‘hair’], powder our eeks [‘faces’], climb into our bona [‘nice’] new drag [‘clothes’], don our batts [‘shoes’] and troll off [‘cruise’] to some bona bijou [‘nice, small’] bar.
at eek, n.
[UK] Gay News 9–22 Dec. n.p.: Seeks strong-minded camp type artist friends.
at camp, adj.
[UK] Gay News 1 May 🌐 Satin boys could only wish those other men would mistake their black satin for leather. With the sad result of disappointment on both sides: for the leather freak since it was no leather, for the satinist since the other couldn’t answer his call.
at leather freak (n.) under leather, adj.
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