1890 Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) 7 Sept. 2/3: ‘If my chips ain’t back whar they belong I’s goin’ to kyarve some dark meat!’.at dark meat, n.
1890 Ariz. Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 1 Sept. 3/1: I wish to say that, by the jumping Jesus, I’ll never vote for Zulick.at jumping Jesus!, excl.
1890 Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) 7 Sept. 2/3: The door opened and in entered the finest specimen of a colored dude I ever laid my eyes upon. He was a la la.at la-la, n.1
1893 Ariz. Repub. (Phoenix, AZ) 7 Jan. 1/2: He did more real good than did many a pulpit-thumper.at pulpit-banger (n.) under pulpit, n.
1894 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 24 May 2/1: [He] predicts that the Democratic party will be whipped out of its boots in November.at out of one’s boots (adv.) under boot, n.2
1896 Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) 29 May 4/3: ‘I can give you the schedule in half a shake of a lamb’s tail’.at two shakes of a lamb’s tail, phr.
1896 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 28 Aug. 4/3: Bill Doolin is robbing stages [...] getting killed in several paces [...] caprtured here [...] and generally keeping up his record as the ‘baddest’ man in the world.at bad, adj.
1896 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 9 Jan. 2/2: Barnacles are the cirse of any community.at barnacle, n.1
1897 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 18 Dec. 4/3: An innocent newspaper chap [...] won the whole boodle.at whole boodle (n.) under boodle, n.1
1898 Arizona Republican 8 Feb. 5/3: The customer by this time imagined he wanted a milk toast and ordered it. [...] he heard the waiter translate it into a ‘graveyard stew.’.at graveyard stew (n.) under graveyard, n.
1898 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 12 Nov. 8/1: The board of supervisors is being ‘ribbed up’ in certain quarters to throw out the voice of the second ward.at rib, v.
1898 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 6 Oct. 8/3: The editor evidently drew the line at the modern ‘scare head’.at scarehead (n.) under scare, n.
1900 Arizona Republican 10 Nov. 4/5: Everybody and his cousin are finding out that we are the people to trade with.at everybody and his cousin, n.
1901 Ariz. Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 12 Mar. 5/3: This street is no place for us to fight, but by Judas Priest, Ill meet you tomorrow in the assembly chamber.at Judas Priest!, excl.
1901 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 26 June 1/6: Pennsey banquetted [...] A dinner was given in honor of the rowing crew of the University ot Pennsylvania.at Pennsy, n.
1905 Arizona Republican 16 May 6/2: Each got seven days for drunkeness [...] incited thereto by several bottles of dago red.at dago red (n.) under dago, adj.1
1906 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 11 Nov. 15/3: Miss Elizabeth Kendrick entertained with a cat party in honor of her cousin Miss Walter.at cat party (n.) under cat, n.1
1907 Arizona Repub. (Phoenix, AZ) 26 July 12/3: The defendant is a rag chewer, a habitual and persistent scold.at rag chewer, n.
1908 Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) 16 Feb. 7/1: Greenaway [...] realized that prohibition would mean only a clever system of blind piggery.at blind piggery (n.) under blind pig, n.
1908 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 31 Jan. 5/2: He [...] had the necessary strip of paper which entitled to him to a ride on the cushions.at on the cushions under cushion, n.
1908 Arizona Republican (Phoenix) 22 July 7: Toggery’s Shovel ’Em Out Sale [...] Iron Hats sale price $2.10.at iron hat (n.) under iron, adj.
1908 Ariz. Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 22 May 5/4: Assimilating jag-juice from Alkali Ike’s own private bottle.at jag, n.1
1908 Arizona Repub. (Phoenix, AZ) 8 Jan. 6/3: The police last night arrested a knight of the road [...] The hobo claimed he had purchased the garment.at knight of the road, n.
1908 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 16 Mar. n.p.: Your old man’s a mean guy [...] He’s a tailor, and yet, he lets you wear those old, raggedy pants.at raggedy, adj.
1909 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 29 Aug. 5/4: Majestic Theatre — To-night [...] Joe Egan ‘Broadway Boy. All new songs.at Broadway Joe (n.) under Broadway, n.
1909 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 10 Oct. 1/3: [pic. caption] Prinking up for an Illustrious Visitor.at prink, v.
1909 Arizona Repub. (Phoenix, AZ) 11 July 2/2: Mister Tagert’s Tavern [...] got the name of bein’ a Randyvoo for the Single an’ th’ Ungodly.at randyvoo, n.
1910 Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ) 25 Aug. 12/3: Yes, friends, it is this same Gazette, this brass-faced hypocrite [...] slandering law-abiding and peace-loving communities .at brass-face (n.) under brass, adj.1
1910 Arizona Republican (Phoeniz, AZ) 21 Sept. 16/2: Miller was loaded to the guards with conversation water.at conversation water (n.) under conversation, n.
1910 Arizona Republican (Phoeniz, AZ) 21 Sept. 16/2: Miller was loaded to the guards with conversation water.at loaded to the... (adj.) under loaded, adj.