1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 30: After he eats, after we done turned a trick, maybe three or four cigarettes all the time we together.at turn a trick, v.2
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 103: I’ll take care of your old lady [...] The one looks like twenty miles of bad road.at — miles of bad road, n.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 6: A small shift and there goes the ball game.at that’s the ballgame under ballgame, n.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 59: Well, big-time, the Man say you can have the car as long as you want it today.at big time, n.1
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 14: Blow your bourgeois blues, your nigger soul sold for a mess of materialistic pottage.at blow, v.1
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 15: One of those diddy-bop niggers from Chicago had almost stolen his present wife.at diddy-bop, adj.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 83: The Cobras overnight became a non-bopping gang.at bopping gang, n.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 5: I’ll look over your detailed break-down later.at breakdown, n.1
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 79: The guards are the safest pushers in the city — ‘they can’t bust you in the slam’.at bust, v.1
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 6: The results check out on both computers.at check out, v.2
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 42: Whitey’s hooked with messing with niggers and you want him to go cold turkey.at cold turkey, adv.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 45: All them dirty, conk-headed niggers with their African and down-home ways.at conked, adj.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 22: This is a team for men, not for misplaced cotton-pickers.at cotton-picker, n.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 16: I’m going out to Washington for a final interview panel and I want to please the crackers.at cracker, n.3
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 19: It will cost us a bit to flunk out six or eight a year.at flunk, v.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 14: Where’d you go to school, man? [...] You frat?at frat, n.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 70: You really want to fuck with Whitey, I’ll show you how!at fuck with, v.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 145: It looks like I’m going to throw a little shit in the game.at put shit in the game (v.) under game, n.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 112: In addition to M-1’s there were grease guns, pistols, M-14 and M-16 rifles.at grease-gun (n.) under grease, n.1
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 91: His handkerchief-head old lady always sassin’ the white folks.at handkerchief-head, n.1
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 31: I ain’t on junk and I can always get my hat and make it to Baltimore, dig.at get one’s hat (v.) under hat, n.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 82: Hypo scars on the forearm, the pupils dilated by drugs.at hypo, n.2
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 120: I don’t have to worry about no jig lieutenants.at jig, adj.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 5: All right, team, let’s have a run-down [...] Tom, kick it off.at kick off, v.2
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 5: How do we shape up on TV, Dick? All our ducks in line?at line up one’s ducks (v.) under line up, v.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 31: This was the easiest trick she had in a week. She wondered how much she could milk him for.at milk, v.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 30: The cat owed me start to get a little off the wall about the bread.at off the wall, adj.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 91: Pink dress, pink parasol, pink cheeks, pretty little pinktoe chick.at pinktoe, adj.
1969 S. Greenlee Spook who Sat by the Door (1972) 37: Although the Senator did not feel himself as regular guy, he would have been pleased at the accolade.at regular guy (n.) under regular, adj.