1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 197: ‘How many children have you?’ [...] ‘The baker’s dozen, your reverence,’ she replied; ‘eight girls and five boys’.at baker’s dozen, n.1
1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 102: A bare-footed and draggled-skirted ‘slip of a girl’.at draggle-tailed, adj.
1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 236: Kerrigan thus lost every penny of ‘dry money’ he had in the world.at dry money (n.) under dry, adj.1
1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 78: Musha, Tom Malley, but aren’t you the soft gom of a gossoon to be beat up so easily.at gom, n.2
1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 67: She asked me if ‘I’d be pleased to taste a little drop of sperits,’ [...] producing at the same time a black bottle of the ‘hard stuff’.at hard stuff, n.
1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 200: The post of scullery maid [...] in the service, perhaps, of some upstart ‘moneybags’.at moneybag(s) (n.) under money, n.
1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 48: The Widow Moran’s house was as emerald as ‘th’ Ould Sod’ itself.at Old Sod, n.
1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 148: He had on his Sunday suit, a cutaway, or ‘swallow-tail’.at swallow tail, n.
1908 J. Guinan Soggarth Aroon 195: He wanted ‘white money,’ It struck me that he meant silver instead of copper; and I gave him a sixpence.at white money (n.) under white, adj.