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The Discovery of a New World choose

Quotation Text

[UK] J. Hall Discovery of a New World (trans. Healey) 68 : A Quoniam is a glass as well knowne in Drinke-allia as Chaucers old Queynt is in Letcheri-tania.
at quoniam, n.
[UK] J. Hall Discovery of New World Bk 2 184: Your Spanish Mimike is a meere ninnihammer vnto these Clawback-courtiers.
at claw-back (n.) under claw, n.
[UK] J. Hall Discovery of New World Bk 2 174: Beadles, Deputy-constables, and Derick-iastroes *Hangmen, and other executioners.
at derrick, n.1
[UK] J. Hall Discovery of New World 85: Well sir (quoth I) but lle be iogging hence.
at jog, v.
[UK] J. Hall Discovery of New World Bk 2 174: Here indeed (saith hee) dwell the Cocatrices, the Roffianes, the Makquerells, and all those ancient fish wiues.
at mackerel, n.
[UK] J. Hall Discovery of New World Bk 1 84: Gone is my flesh, yet thirst lies in the bone, Give me one rouse, my friend, and get thee gone.
at rouse, n.
[UK] J. Hall Discovery of New World Bk 2 106: I am in great perplexitie, least my country-women should have any understanding of this state; for if they have, wee may go snic up for any female that will bide among us .
at sneck up!, excl.
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