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Gabriel Conroy choose

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[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 122: You had to trapse down yer, sniffin’ about my tracks, you black and tan idiot.
at black and tan, adj.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 164: She’s a peart sort o’ woman in her way [...] pow’ful to argyfy and plan.
at argufy, v.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 12: Bah!—she was divorced!
at bah!, excl.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 39: They did say that I used to sometimes fetch that congregation, jest snatch ’em bald-headed.
at snatch bald-headed (v.) under bald-headed, adv.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 228: She may have been deceived or wronged or disappointed or bamboozled.
at bamboozled (adj.) under bamboozle, v.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy I 157: Women were blank fools anyway.
at blank, adj.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 222: ‘Blank it all,’ I said to myself, ‘Blank it all, Star, you ain’t goin’ to pop out upon a man just as he’s ministering to Beauty.
at blank, v.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 48: The eloquent Mr. Blowhard and the persuasive Mr. Windygust .
at blowhard, n.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 30: It’s just [...] playing it mighty rough on as white a man as ever you saw, Sophy, [...] and everybody ready to buck in agin us who has ten cents to chip in on.
at buck, v.2
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy I 109: I’ll jest bust that boy if I see him round yer agin.
at bust, v.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 181: It was a mighty sharp move of Pete Dumphy’s bailin’ thet Gabe, right in the face of that there ‘dropped lead’ in his busted-up mine!
at busted, adj.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 33: To think of the artfulness of that man [...] a-gettin’ up sympathy about his sufferin’s at Starvation Camp, and all the while a-carryin’ on with the widder of one o’ them onfortunets.
at carry on, v.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 160: Able to keep up your end of a conversation with anybody, and allus ez chipper as a jay-bird.
at chipper, adj.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 310: You’ve been [...] playin’ it very low down on my moral and religious nature, and generally ringin’ in a cold deck on my spiritual condition for the last five years.
at cold deck, n.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 221: Your master and I will have our little confab.
at confab, n.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 310: You’ve jest cut up thet rough with my higher emotions thet there ain’t enough left to chip in on a ten-cent ante.
at cut up rough, v.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 175: Dash it all! what in dash are you dashingly doing here, dash you?
at dash, n.5
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 175: Dash it all! what in dash are you dashingly doing here, dash you?
at dash, v.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 93: He was so done up and bored with the journey.
at done up, adj.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 266: Dry up! — don’t you see you’re driving me half-crazy with your infernal buzzing?
at dry up, v.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 39: They did say that I used to sometimes fetch that congregation, jest snatch ’em bald-headed.
at fetch, v.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 311: It is worthy of a short-card sharp and a keno flopper, which I have, I regret to say, long suspected you to be.
at flopper, n.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 148: As hash-slinger, Sal can walk over anything of her weight in Plumas.
at hash-slinger, n.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 311: Your suggestion, Peter [...] emanates from [...] an intellect weaked by Rum and Gum and the contact of Lager Beer Jerkers.
at jerker, n.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 31: Six Chinymen by Jinks — and a Greaser!
at by jinks! (excl.) under jinks, n.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 30: Gabe [...] jest comes along, accidental like, and, dern my skin! but he strikes onto a purty gal and a wife the first lick!
at lick, n.2
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 302: Yer’s me been gambolin’ desprit with this yer man, Victor Ramyirez, and gets lifted bad!
at lift, v.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 114: He’s looney, Olly.
at loony, adj.
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy III 27: He don’t spell well—and he won’t let me teach him—the old Muggins!
at muggins, n.1
[US] B. Harte Gabriel Conroy II 57: If thar ever was a blunderin’ mule, Gabe, it’s YOU!
at mule, n.
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