Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Proceedings against Capt. Edward Rigby for intending to commit the Abominable Sin of Sodomy, on the Body of one William Minton choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Proceedings against Capt. Edward Rigby for intending to commit the Abominable Sin of Sodomy, on the Body of one William Minton 7 Dec. 2: Rigby [...] taking Minton in his Arms, wisht he might lye with him all night, and that his Lust was provoked to that degree, he had ---- in his Breeches, but not withstanding he could F--- him.
at come, v.1
[UK] Proceedings against Capt. Edward Rigby for intending to commit the Abominable Sin of Sodomy, on the Body of one William Minton 7 Dec. 2: Rigby [...] taking Minton in his Arms, whisht he might lye with him all night, and that his Lust was provoked to that degree, he had ---- in his Breeches, but not withstanding he could F--- him.
at fuck, v.
[UK] Proceedings against Capt. Edward Rigby for intending to commit the Abominable Sin of Sodomy, on the Body of one William Minton 7 Dec. 2: Putting his Tongue into his Mouth askt him, if he should F--- him [...] and said, That the French King did it.
at it, n.1
[UK] Proceedings against Capt. Edward Rigby for intending to commit the Abominable Sin of Sodomy, on the Body of one William Minton 7 Dec. 1: Rigby [...] took him by the hand, and squeez’d it; put his Privy Member Erected into Minton’s Hand; kist him, and put his Tongue into Minton’s Mouth.
at member, n.1
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