Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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A York-shire Dialogue, in its pure natural dialect choose

Quotation Text

[UK] A York-Shire Dialogue 84: To Clapperclaw, is to [...] beat or Fight earnestly.
at clapperclaw, v.
[UK] A York-Shire Dialogue 61: Come hither Hobb, [...] I know thou’s Addled some with driving Plew.
at hob, n.
[UK] A York-Shire Dialogue 39: A good Jack mackes a good Gill.
at jill, n.1
[UK] A York-Shire Dialogue 43: Thur Yowes aere Clowclagg’d, they skitter faire. [Ibid.] 106: Skitter, is when Cattel Scoure, or shite thin.
at skitters, the, n.
[UK] A York-Shire Dialogue 113: To Whang one, is to beat one.
at whang, v.
[UK] A York-Shire Dialogue 53: Wheesht, wheesht, my Mother’s coming up I hear.
at whisht!, excl.
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