2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 1: One fifteen in the a.m.: tonight, as always, the calls could come in at any time.at a.m., n.
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 2: Eight a.m. could find him at a local precinct writing up bullets on an agg assault.at agg, adj.
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 4: She jumps in the car, screams for the driver to haul ass.at haul ass, v.
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 5: The 2-9 Gang Unit [...] were already harvesting collars, plasti-cuffing belly-down bangers like bundling wheat.at collar, n.
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 2: There were gung ho detectives out there, even on the lobster shift, but Billy was not one of them.at gung-ho, adj.
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 4: The minute he sees the guns he jumps out and starts hoofing it back to Senegal.at hoof, v.
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 2: There were gung ho detectives out there, even on the lobster shift, but Billy was not one of them.at lobster shift (n.) under lobster, n.1
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 3: [He] jad thirty-two years on the Job, owned two bars in Queens, and was just there to max out his pension.at max, v.
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 5: Another was last seen at a retirement racket down in the Ninth, so maybe you should find out if he’s in any shape to come in at all.at racket, n.2
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 2: Too much of that shit [i.e. energy drinks] make you even more tired [...] Like a boomerang.at shit, n.
2015 ‘Harry Brandt’ Whites 4: Throwdown in the three-two, both shooters female, one on the sidewalk, the other in the rear seat of a ghetto cab.at throwdown, n.1