1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 189: Standish diverted this spasm of belly-aching by asking [etc.].at bellyaching (n.) under bellyache, v.
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 143: ‘I’m no blankety crow, Guv’nor, protested his servant.at blankety, adj.
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 159: He might have been seized with a blue funk.at blue funk (n.) under blue, adj.1
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 175: He hadn’t a dog’s chance to get out of his present predicament.at dog’s chance (n.) under dog, n.2
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 7: ‘Where in hell are we, Benny?’ [...] ‘Search me, guv’nor’.at guvnor, n.
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 149: I think it quite possible that the unworthy Captain Gummidge hoofed out, as you British say, from the Royal Navy.at hoof out (v.) under hoof, v.
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 95: Still smoking that strike-me-dead muck then, old horse?at old horse, n.
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 161: We shall all have to lie doggo until then because of the odds.at lie doggo (v.) under lie, v.1
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 95: Still smoking that strike-me-dead muck then, old horse?at strike me dead! (excl.) under strike me...!, excl.
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 143: Perhaps the Bentley will impress His Nibs even if I don’t.at his nibs (n.) under nibs, n.
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 147: Nothing would have pleased him more than to try to knock this scug’s block off.at scug, n.
1944 S. Horler Lady with the Limp 191: A local called Sam Tipton. Had the reputation of being something of a softie.at softy, n.1