2009 P. Temple Truth 174: ‘Got replacements?’ said Villani. ‘Pope Catholic?’ said the offsider.at does a bear shit in the woods? Is the pope (a) Catholic?, phr.
2009 P. Temple Truth 277: ‘Sad boy, the Lovey Dovey,’ said Burgess. ‘Not a mixer. The Abo chip’.at abo, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 53: Chief Commissioner David Gillam, the so-called new broom, done nothing except sweep the dirt around and under the carpet. Achieved sweet fanny.at sweet Fanny Adams, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 220: In that instant, Villani knew that Dove was not a mistake. He was a smart aleck but he was not a mistake.at smart aleck, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 265: He couldn’t bear the look, the silence, he kept amping up his rubbish chatter, eyes darting.at amp up (v.) under amp, v.
2009 P. Temple Truth 195: Then it’s back to the captain’s cabin for a fucking G and T.at g. and t., n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 98: Bob Villani's Army life, had he taken orders from dickheads and arselickers like this man?at arse-licker (n.) under arse-lick, v.
2009 P. Temple Truth 248: A man’s thick white towelling gown. The property of the mystical lawyer arse from Byron Bay?at arse, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 226: Don’t look at me. We get the arse from Defence but somebody tells Ruskin about this killing.at arse, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 369: ‘Say police as caringly as possible. Like a blessing.’ ‘Jeez, that’s a big ask’.at big ask (n.) under ask, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 77: He’s on his arsebone in the Bekaa Valley, snorting Cloud Nine.at assbone (n.) under ass, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 132: In the kickarse voice Villani heard the boy who never had a father, only a photograph.at kick-ass, adj.
2009 P. Temple Truth 82: Vickery and a cop called Gary Plaice almost killed a half-arsed little robber called Ivanovich.at half-assed, adj.
2009 P. Temple Truth 84: We don’t get smart here, we’ll know what arsefucked by a whole footy team feels like.at assfuck, v.
2009 P. Temple Truth 321: So he says, get the police and she knows about police, she goes ballistic, no, no, no.at go ballistic (v.) under ballistic, adj.
2009 P. Temple Truth 56: Ivan’s an animal [...] shot the customer at Westpac at Garden City in March, no reason at all. There’s other bashings, one woman’s got brain damage, can’t speak.at bashing, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 291: On any Friday, an army of couriers hand-delivered snort, bazooka [...] to bankers, brokers, lawyers, accountants [etc.].at bazooka, n.1
2009 P. Temple Truth 318: ‘Your car [...] That’s the black Beemer. Involved in a collision in La Trobe Street.at Beamer, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 118: Luke was another matter. His mother was a bike called Ellen. Bob Villani bunned her in Darwin.at bicycle, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 59: Stuff like this, the media blowies on you, bloody pollies pestering, the ordinary work goes to hell.at blowie, n.1
2009 P. Temple Truth 104: For Bob, not getting things right was bludging, slackarse behaviour, not paying attention.at bludge, v.
2009 P. Temple Truth 318: ‘Who’s this smartarse boong?’ said Hanlon. ‘Can’t get white people to join you cunts now?’.at boong, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 332: Twenty minutes later he had his back against a wall in a lane off Sydney Road, listening to two braindeads come out of the roof.at braindead, n.
2009 P. Temple Truth 77: A bloke in Brissie [...] they flog him with barbwire and then they put him on a massive gas barbie.at Bris, n.