Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Bellevue Gazette choose

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[US] Bellevue Gaz. (NE) 17 Sept. 2/3: The chief performer of the orchestra made the organ cut up didos [...] I wonder if those musicans up a little higher are pleased with such pranks?
at cut up a dido, v.
[US] Bellevue Gaz. (NE) 11 Mar. 3/1: Mr Kinney would be highly pleased to have those who are indebted to him come up to the rack and shell out the smooth pieces.
at come up to the rack (or jump the fence) (v.) under come up, v.1
[US] Bellevue Gaz. (NE) 25 Mar. 1/5: He [...] exclaimed: ‘Yes, siree; I should think I had seen one of them!’.
at yes sir!, excl.
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