1859 Dayton Dly Empire (OH) 27 Dec. 1/4: Sherman had gone off half-cocked and the excitement exploded in good humor.at go off half-cocked (v.) under half-cocked, adj.
1860 Dayton Dly Empire (OH) 19 June 1/4: ’Come quick! He’s got deadly weapons [...] and looks savage as a meat axe’.at savage as a meat axe (adj.) under meat axe, n.
1860 Dayton Dly Empire (OH) 10 Mar. 1/3: Burnett [...] got possession of the bar, and was soon ‘roaring fou’.at roaring fou, adj.
1864 Dayton Dly Empire (OH) 30 Aug. 2/4: We have some little pulpit-bangers who declare that Abe Lincoln is ‘God’s annointed’.at pulpit-banger (n.) under pulpit, n.
1865 Dayton Dly Empire (OH) 23 Mar. 2/1: How to make a nose gay — cultivate toddy blossoms.at toddy blossom (n.) under blossom, n.2