Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Indianapolis Journal choose

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[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 27 Sept. 4/1: There is [...] a good deal of Democratic flim-flammery on the Indianapolis programme.
at flimflammery (n.) under flim-flam, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 8 Dec. 13/3: He was one of the Bowery boys and was reputed one of the best samples of the shoulder hitter.
at shoulder-hitter (n.) under shoulder, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 30 June 14/4: To have white ants (a Queensland phrase) [means] ‘wrong in the head’’.
at white ants, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 21 Dec. 5/6: His pale, soulful young face, with here and there a brandy blossom on [...] the bridge of a pug nose.
at brandy blossom (n.) under blossom, n.2
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 30 June 14/4: Cabbagehead is New South Wales for a Victorian.
at cabbage-head, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 30 June 14/4: A small farmer [in Australia] is a [...] ‘stringy-barker’.
at stringybarker (n.) under stringybark, adj.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 22 Apr. 7/4: [from London Mail] A Kimberley refujew [...] just returned to his home and neighbors in the diamond capital.
at refujew, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 15 Dec. 10/3: Captain Tilley [...] sent for the Samoan massage rubbers. [...] The lummy-lummy was limbering up the captain’s stiff joints and giving the merry ha-ha to the rheumatism.
at merry ha-ha (n.) under ha-ha, n.1
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 29 Nov. 7/1: Nannie Sedan [...] is accused of [...] being the ‘strong-arm woman’ who robbed Morris Seloff.
at strong-arm woman (n.) under strong-arm, adj.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 25 May 15/2: He grabs hold of a tar whom he spots [...] as a ‘jag’.
at jag, n.1
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (N) 13 July 4/4: Orville Woodruff [...] is spending his vacation at his Porkopolitan home.
at Porkopolitan (n.) under Porkopolis, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 25 May 15/2: Neither [...] does the ruymmed-up tar bother [...] over the stripes and stars on the sleeve ciffs of the officers.
at rummed up, adj.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 28 Feb. 3/3: The criminal [...] submits to a ‘bashing’ when he is flogged.
at bashing, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 28 Feb. 3/3: Steps are ‘dancers’.
at dancers, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 28 Feb. 3/3: ‘Fingersmith’ is quite an ingenious term [for] a pickpocket.
at finger-smith (n.) under finger, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 28 Feb. 3/3: The life preserver he carried is a ‘needle’.
at needle, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 28 Feb. 3/3: To the thief a purse bewcomes a ‘pogue’.
at pogue, n.2
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 28 Feb. 3/3: ‘Russia’ is a pocketbook.
at russia, n.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl (IN) 22 May 33/1: [cartoon caption] The Girl: ‘Dat ain’t de way to play we’re married.’ The Boy: ‘Sure, Mike! I’m coming home on a toot’.
at sure, Mike! (excl.) under sure!, excl.
[US] Indianapolis Jrnl 28 Feb. 3/3: In the criminal’s poetic fancy a tread mill is [...] ‘a wheel of life’.
at wheel of life (n.) under wheel, n.
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