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Lafayette Advertiser choose

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[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 23 Nov. 4/2: If they effect that ‘sordid lucre’ reform they will beat ‘Bobtail’, and ’Bobtail’ you know beat the D—l.
at beat bobtail (v.) under beat, v.
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 12 Apr. 4/2: With a mighty gulp he bolted the morsel bodyaiously, gulped down a quart of ‘café au lait’, and renewed the onslaught.
at bodaciously, adv.
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 12 Apr. 4/2: He pitched into an inviting plate of ‘mystery’.
at mystery, n.
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 12 Apr. 4/2: With a grunt of satisfaction he bit into the dainty morsel, while his ‘tushes’ sank deep in.
at tusk, n.
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 12 Apr. 4/2: Harrowing scenes of the ‘wah’, depicted so glowingly by these old ‘vets’.
at vet, n.1
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 20 Oct. 3/2: You git colty and dance and prance and frisk around to beat Bobtail.
at beat bobtail (v.) under beat, v.
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 26 Oct. 6/3: [They] sent out a committee to git me some new riggins. They lit out they did and got me a three-story beegum hat, a ruffle-bosom shirt [etc.].
at bee-gum (hat), n.
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 23 Feb. 6/1: Shoo! I never thought of that. Doggone my hide!
at doggone, v.
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 23 Mar. 6/1: He didn’t wear no mournin’ clothes to meeting, or put on a face as long as a rainy Sunday like Deacon Joiner.
at as long as a rainy Sunday under Sunday, n.1
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 26 Oct. 5/3: It would give her such a black eye and doubtful reputation among the people.
at give someone/something a black eye (v.) under black eye, n.
[US] Lafayette Advertiser (LA) 6 Sept. 4/5: What will Gulfport be without these distinguished citizens to defeat [...] Bronze John [...] The ‘bold soldier boys’ [...] will not go to Gulfport [...] to repel and baffle the invasion of yellow fever.
at bronze john, n.
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