1895 Rolling Stone Austin (TX) [headline] Had The Drop On Him.at have the drop (on) (v.) under drop, n.1
1969 Rolling Stone 28 June 4/1: Parsley can give a more powerful high on marijuana. The garden herb, says Olas Hendrickson, is the basic ingredient in a new psychedelic substance called ‘Angels’ [sic] Dust’.at angel dust, n.
1969 Rolling Stone 28 June 19/3: Electric guitarist James Burton, replete in white turtleneck and matching ‘tennies’, puts together a lead.at tennies, n.
1976 in Rolling Stone 20 May No. 216 n.p.: I did it once. It was ass-breaker. You work yourself to death.at ass-breaker (n.) under ass, n.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 30: For a man who should not drink (he is diabetic), he is putting away plenty of booze.at put away, v.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 35: Elton John seems to be coming out of last year’s much ballyhooed ‘retirement’.at ballyhoo, v.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 57: A quartet of authors responsible for a just-published scandal-bio called Elvis What Happened?at bio, n.2
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 43: You were someone we told the story to, and you’re going up there and blasting into him like that.at blast, v.1
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 14: He was really straight and just startin’ to come out and boogie.at boogie, v.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 46: Until rock ’n’ roll (and Elvis) came along, ‘popular music’ was 100% White Bread America.at white bread, adj.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 43: He knew, man, that we loved him, and he knew that we weren’t going to chop him up or anything.at chop, v.2
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 45: When Elvis came along thumping his guitar, it changed; now it was ‘cool’ to play the guitar.at cool, adj.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 37: A couple of demos later, Sam Phillips [...] was looking for a singer to record a song he liked.at demo, n.1
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 44: Tom Parker was working a foot-long hot-dog concession on a carnival runway.at hot dog, n.1
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 57: The onstage freak-out brought on by dope and who knows what else.at freak-out, n.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 46: There he was to be the Colonel’s ‘go-fer,’ to fetch him coffee on demand, to drive his car for him, to do whatever he asked.at gofer, n.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 44: If anyone complained about being gypped [...] he’d just point to the piece of hot dog he’d dropped in the sawdust.at gyp, v.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 77: There is nothing here as witty as his first LP’s ‘P.S. Get Lost!,’ the ultimate kiss-off.at kiss-off, n.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 73: [advert by A&W Publishers, Inc.] You’ll find 700 absolutely knock-out record jackets in this eye-popping new book!at knockout, adj.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 6: Young’s article [...] has finally shown that escapee from a loony bin for what he really is: a first-rate jerk.at loony bin (n.) under loony, n.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 28: Just head out Route 190 and look for a mess of cars on the left-hand side.at mess, n.1
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 44: He also ran a ‘mitt camp’ for reading palms.at mitt camp (n.) under mitt, n.
1977 Rolling Stone 22 Sept. 11: The guards at the mansion were not exactly falling over with delight at seeing a well-oiled Jimmy Buffett entourage bearing down on them.at oiled (up) (adj.) under oil, n.