Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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New Orleans Republican choose

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[US] N.O. Republican (LA) 22 Aug. 8/1: They are blooming all over with folly spots, as well soaked topers do with gin-blossoms.
at gin blossom (n.) under blossom, n.2
[US] N.O. Republican (LA) 12 Feb. 1/5: A bull driver at the stock landing [...] undertook to drive to a slaughter-house a rampant beef without the use of the lasso.
at bull-driver (n.) under bull, n.1
[US] N.O. Republican (LA) 6 Dec. 4/2: Baton Rouge, to use a common and somewhat vulgar phrase, is ‘breeding a scab upon her nose’.
at breed a scab (on one’s nose) (v.) under breed, v.
[US] N.O. Republican (LA) 27 Dec. 5/4: We say that it is impossible to eat cotton, that belly furniture of this description is rather billious [sic].
at belly furniture (n.) under belly, n.
[US] N.O. Republican (LA) 24 May 5/4: Nash had us taken to the boarding house prison; kept us there some time.
at boarding house, n.
[US] N.O. Republican (LA) 5 Dec. 6/1: ‘Oh, only a little formality,’ said old Bighead.
at big head, n.1
[US] N.O. Republican (LA) 5 Dec. 6/1: ‘Thunderation!’ says I.
at thunderation!, excl.
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