Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Phillipsburg Mail choose

Quotation Text

[US] Philipsburg Mail (MT) 15 Sept. 4/4: The affair is believed to be a freeze-out game.
at freeze-out game (n.) under freeze-out, n.
[US] Philipsburg Mail (MT) 3 Sept. 2/3: ‘Who is that handsome stranger?’ [...] ‘Some country gawk, I s’pose’.
at country gawk (n.) under country, adj.
[US] Philipsburg Mail (MT) 19 Aug. 2/2: ‘What have you there, me buck?’ asked Porter.
at buck, n.1
[US] Philipsburg Mail (MT) 19 Aug. 2/3: Holcum had done fairly well for a noncom.
at non-com, n.
[US] Philipsburg Mail (MT) 11 May 3/3: Off he started, lickety-click.
at lickety-split, adv.
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