Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Weekly Caucasian choose

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[US] Wkly Caucasian (Lexington, MO) 31 Aug. 4/5: From Nastychusetts [...] flows that holy stream of white-choke-ragged [...] twang-proboscised, cursed hypocritical bible maulers.
at bible-mauler (n.) under bible, n.
[US] Wkly Caucasian (Lexington, MO) 20 July 2/8: A Cold-Spring, New York, Methodist Bible-beater has gone insane.
at bible-beater (n.) under bible, n.
[US] Wkly Caucasian (Lexington, MO) 8 June 1/2: The difference between [...] a beastly hottentot, [...] a pomposity-stuffed Johnny Bully and a missionary-broiled Timbuctoodle.
at Hottentot, n.
[US] Wkly Caucasian (Lexington, MO) 5 Oct. 2/5: It would be a relief to us if this hero would bid us an affectionate farewell and go hence over the Styx.
at go across the river (v.) under river, n.
[US] Wkly Caucasian (Lexington, MO) 26 Apr. 2/2: The facts do not justify the braggadocious style of the dispatches.
at braggadocious, adj.
[US] Wkly Caucasian (Lexington, MO) 24 June 1/5: David [...] sent a stone ker-biff which crushed in the skull just between the eyes.
at kerbiff! (excl.) under ker-, pfx
[US] Wkly Caucasian (Lexington, MO) 24 June 1/5: He was [...] a No.1 pencil slinger. He wrote verses that were never thrown into the waste basket.
at pencil-slinger (n.) under pencil, n.
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