Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[Ire] Dublin Monitor 24 Apr. 2/3: A frieze coat and a Brummagem button have superseded intrinsic worth.
at Brummagem button (n.) under Brummagem, adj.
[Ire] (con. late 18C) Dublin Monitor 1 Dec. 2/6: A usual exhortation from a father to his son was, ‘make your head, boy, while you’re young’.
at make one’s head (v.) under head, n.
[Ire] Dublin Monitor 7 Feb. 2/4: Mr Fitzgibbon said this prosecution was unfairly conducted — his phrase was, that it was ‘a blow below the belt’.
at below the belt (adj.) under belt, n.
[Ire] Dublin Monitor 11 Sept. 3/3: The common people call the English shilling ‘a hog,’ and the six-pence, ‘a pig’.
at pig, n.
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