Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[Ire] L. O’Flaherty Informer (1958) 153: Not that I didn’t do me bit to help the boys, God bless 'em, but ’tisn’t the boys that done the fightin’ that get the jobs .
at boys, the, n.
[Ire] L. O’Flaherty Informer n.p.: They’d take the charley from under a pope’s bed .
at charlie, n.2
[Ire] L. O’Flaherty Informer n.p.: Yer ol’ man gev me dog’s abuse and drov’ me outa the house .
at dog’s abuse (n.) under dog, n.2
[Ire] L. O’Flaherty Informer n.p.: Then I began to pouch about makin’ ready to go to bed .
at pooch, v.
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