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Honey Spike choose

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[Ire] B. MacMahon Honey Spike n.p.: He [...] was searching the empty envelope. ‘Damn-all else here,’ he said. Reading from the back of the demand note: ‘This tinker is a hook’ [BS].
at damn-all, n.
[Ire] B. MacMahon Honey Spike n.p.: ‘What do you want?’ the woman asked. ‘A drop o’ colourin’ ma’am.’ Breda held out the pint bottle [BS].
at colouring, n.
[Ire] B. MacMahon Honey Spike n.p.: ‘I’m dark,’ the old man quavered [...] ‘I’m as dark as midnight’ [BS].
at dark, adj.
[Ire] B. MacMahon Honey Spike n.p.: I wouldn’t be surprised with all this tallyho if I dropped a kid myself the minute we reached that bloody Spike [BS].
at tally ho, n.1
[Ire] B. MacMahon Honey Spike n.p.: He [...] was searching the empty envelope. ‘Damn-all else here,’ he said. Reading from the back of the demand note: ‘This tinker is a hook’ [BS].
at hook, n.1
[Ire] B. MacMahon Honey Spike n.p.: There’s spikes is poxed with bad luck, an’ the children out of ’em are born in bits. An’ there’s honey spikes, full of good fortune [BS].
at spike, n.2
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