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[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 100: She’s dead off blokes who do a bear-up with girls.
at bear-up, n.
[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 202: A reckless beer boozer and bearer-up of tough tarts.
at bear-up, n.
[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 87: ‘Polly Tanner’s the bonzerest girl I ever met.’‘Absolutely,’ confirmed Waldo. ‘Not only a bonzer girl for untying us, but a bonzer girl herself.’‘And a bonzer looking girl,’ added Waldo. ‘Bonzerest looking girl in town,’ chanted Bill.
at bonzer, adj.
[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 47: Aw, cripes, you just bull up and make a date with them to come for a walk some night.
at bull up (v.) under bull, v.1
[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 79: Trucking’s my dart too.
at dart, n.1
[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 209: ‘But cripes, I’m a pretty onkus mug on the stage. Cripes, I’d make a mull of it’.
at onkus, adj.
[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 84: He took a pull at it, adding, ‘A bit onkus, but drinkable. Have a swig’.
at onkus, adj.
[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 106: ‘By cripes, you got a hide, reckoning I ought to miss passing that bloke one because you’re struck on Polly Tanner’.
at pass (someone) one (v.) under pass, v.
[Aus] N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 50: He got some return on it as an investment by lending it out to blokes at a thrummer a time.
at thrums, n.
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