1914 Nambour Chron. (Qld) 18 Dec. 2/6: Supper was served at midnight, and the gathering dispersed voting the first annual breakfast a ‘bosker’.at bosker, n.
1917 Nambour Chron. (Qld) 16 Nov. 2/7: His cobbership with the Anzacs is a priceless possession, that gold cannot buy or time wither.at cobbership (n.) under cobber, n.2
1918 Nambour Chron. (Qld) 13 Dec. 15/2: A bonzerer mate I never found / Then you – givvus yer mitt.at bonzer, adj.
1919 Nambour Chron. (Qld) 6 June 7/4: Sorry to have to contradict ‘Duglio’, but hope to meet him some day in Young and Jackson’s Bar and, over a long one with a handle on it, tell him personally how greatful we were for the assistance of his Heavies, which enabled us to hng [sic] on to Mont Hemmel until relieved in April.at handle, n.
1940 Nambour Chron. (Qld) 6 Sept. 4/7: A lone ‘Digger’ strolled casually along the waterfront at ‘Hell’s Corner’ [...] at the height of a raid. Shrapnel, barrage balloons, and Messerschmitts were falling, and even wax-bored American newspaper correspondents took hasty cover.at wax borer (n.) under wax, n.2