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[Aus] Truth (Perth) 21 may 3/1: He attributes most of his trouble to the fact that he is a married man and father of a grown-up family, but neither wife nor children will stand a bar of him at any price.
at not stand a bar of (v.) under bar, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 25 June 1/1: The case of the young Laverton postmaster [...] who last week got 18 months for getting down on £200, the property of the Commonwealth, deserves more than passing notice.
at get down on, v.2
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 7 Oct. 8/2: A good many well-to-do professional socialists indulge in a bit of Yarra Banking.
at Yarra banker, n.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 23 Sept. 1/5: Spearman’s chief fault was that he had been badly bitten by the ‘booze bug’.
at booze bug (n.) under booze, n.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 18 Feb. 2/6: Blarst him, did she keep a bad 'ouse? / Wot was it he took her for? / [...] / The woman curses, / Gives it to him werry brown.
at give it brown (v.) under brown, adv.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 4 Mar. 2/6: His ideas was Socialistic— / Tho’ whatever that may mean / I don’t know, but never cracks it, / Else I be considered green.
at crack, v.1
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 15 July 1/8: The accompanist was a fair nark. He had evidently acquired the ethics of his profession by banging a drum or extracting musical rhythm from a kerosine tin.
at fair nark (n.) under fair, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 4 Mar. 2/6: Them Parliamentary gassers / Collars all his bloomin’ stuff.
at gasser, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 22 Apr. 7/4: The name she calls the servant / When she told her for to get / They were not for publication .
at get, v.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 4 Mar. 2/6: He confesses his mistake / To sum Holy Joseph jossers / As did run a Shellback church.
at holy Joe, n.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 22 Apr. 7/4: If the devvil saw them faces / He’d be off upon his pat.
at on one’s pat (malone) (adj.) under pat malone, n.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 4 Mar. 2/6: Whether he got wind about it, / Or he got the orfis / [...] / He were off in half a switch.
at office, n.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 22 Apr. 7/4: Sum starchy bloaks of parsons / [...] / Anxious for to save the country, / From the jaws o! flamin’ hell .
at starchy, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 17 Aug. 5/6: They are now ‘making their alleys good,’ so to speak, in cutting down expenditure by the employment of cheap boy labor.
at make one’s alley good (v.) under alley, n.3
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 24 Feb. 7/5: A weirdly woeful wail ascends toward the Heavens whenever A. E. Johnston [...] lifts up his voice, in an attempt to sing. When A.E. essays to follow the music, however, he’s like Barney's Bull.
at all behind like Barney’s bull under barney’s bull, n.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 19 Oct. 4/6: The ‘sentence’ for Johnnies who window-panes smash / Is mild magisterial ‘guiver,’ / But a white man resenting a nigger is rash. / And is sure to be ‘sent’ for a fiver.
at fiver, n.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 19 Oct. 4/5: Her clothes do not seem to make swains go off pop. / Nor their blood to congeal, or to curdle - / Two sandals below and one garment on top / That is held in its place by a girdle .
at go off, v.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 19 Oct. 4/6: The ‘sentence’ for Johnnies who window-panes smash / Is mild magisterial ‘guiver,’ / But a white man resenting a nigger is rash. / And is sure to be ‘sent’ for a fiver .
at johnny, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 19 Oct. 4/6: Why sing of the bull-ant who narks our caress / When we’re smoodging with Sal at the seaside?
at nark, v.1
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 19 Oct. 4/6: The wowsery ‘West,’ with the rest of the putrid plutish press [etc].
at plutish (adj.) under plute, n.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 19 Oct. 4/6: But a white man resenting a nigger is rash. / And is sure to be ‘sent’ for a fiver.
at send down (v.) under send, v.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 19 Oct. 4/6: It is indeed most amusing to note how the wowsery ‘West,’ with the rest of the putrid plutish press, gives particular promience to anything and everything that might be considered damaging and damning to John Norton.
at wowsery (adj.) under wowser, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 31 Oct. 1/6: Lots of ladies persist in pratting themselves into smoking compartments, thus depriving a man of his weed.
at prat in (v.) under prat, v.2
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 31 Oct. 1/5: Notwithstanding that the ‘Challenger’ was in port [...] the rooks never dealt with a solitary countryman, nor was ‘whiskers’ or ‘Jack Tar’ taken in by a tart and tickled for all his tin .
at tickle, v.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 13 June 3/6: Did you not bear that some tiddley-winking had gone on between Salter and Jessop? - No, if you mean by tiddley-winking that Salter robbed Jessop, it’s a lie. I know Salter too well.
at tiddleywink, v.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 16 Jan. 3/7: That the ways of the wicked are not altogether unremunerative was demonstrated by the fact that this bludging ‘bloke’ was able to retain Jacky Hare and Cliff Penny to defend him, but it was of no avail.
at bludge, v.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 16 Oct. 4/2: What’s wrong with ‘Dead Drunk’s Dazzlement,’‘Boskerina Bustup,’‘Sanginuary Splendiferousness,’‘Gor-blimey Gorgeousness,’ and ‘Blankey Bobby-dazzler,’ as a few additional spasm starters?
at boskerina, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 2 Jan. 4/8: Workin hard & silently / With the fag end of a candle / And his chinks, that’s tools, you see.
at chink, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 16 Jan. 3/8: If Green is found guilty of incomepetence [sic] it will reflect seriously on those who are responsible, after examination, for the issuing of ‘dog-tickets’ (the name by which harbor and river certificates are known) to some of the incompetents.
at dog ticket (n.) under dog, n.2
[Aus] Truth (Perth) 2 Jan. 4/8: Wot’s his emag? Plane and easey. He had got his mate at work.
at emag, n.
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