1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 8: Full as a dook, he is an’ needin’ me ter take the team down the sidin’.at full as..., adj.
1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 5: He’s an easy-going beggar, but he has [...] a great derry on skyte.at beggar, n.
1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 31: You know I never saved a brown on the wallaby.at brown, n.
1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 3: ‘Some bun-worry of their own,’ he said.at bun-worry (n.) under bun, n.3
1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 212: ‘Jim Kyneton’s a good man, and this is giving him particular gyp if I know anything of good men,’ he said .at give someone gyp (v.) under gyp, n.2
1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 22: You’re not thinkin’ you’re on a soft lay, are you? at lay, n.3
1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 5: He’s an easy-going beggar, but he has [...] a great derry on skyte.at skite, n.
1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 16: You’ve got spunk, Kid [...] you’re not just thinking of yourself.at spunk, n.
1910 ‘G.B. Lancaster’ Jim of the Ranges 23: He’s not the sort for you to get thick with.at thick, adj.