Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Burmese Days choose

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[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Burmese Days (1986) 118: ‘I had to stand over the dirzi calling him bahinchut to get them finished in time’.
at banchoot, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Burmese Days (1986) 300: He bore a charmed life, and it was not only the handle to his name that saved him. There was something in his eye before which duns, burra memsahibs and even colonels quailed.
at burra mem sahib (n.) under burra, adj.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Burmese Days (1986) 229: ‘Dekho!’ said the mali in his plum-in-the-mouth voice.
at dekko, v.
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