1855 M. Rafter Percy Blake III 219: They would salute me with a volley of oaths and imprecations, exclaiming, ‘Feringhee Banchoot! Teereemaukachoot!’ and other equally brutal and offensive terms.at banchoot, n.
1855 M. Rafter Percy Blake 249: As I [...] never abused or ill-treated them, and always gave them cherry-merry when they attended my hunting-parties, they looked upon me as one of a superior species to the ordinary run of my countrymen.at cherry-merry, n.
1855 M. Rafter Percy Blake III 249: ‘Talk, man, talk is the thing to drive sense into a fellow’s noddle; learn Telinga and Malabars, and talk with the Jungle-wallahs; them’s the fellows.’.at jungle-wallah (n.) under jungle, n.