Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Plain Tales from the Raj choose

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[Ind] (con. 1950s) C. Allen Plain Tales from the Raj 216: ‘When I was very young I took the conventional attitude which everybody took – even enlightened people like my parents – of making jokes about “blackie-whites” and “twelve annas in the rupee”’.
at [X] annas in the rupee (adj.) under anna, n.
[Ind] (con. 1930s) in C. Allen Plain Tales from the Raj 196: They’d sing: ‘Oh doolally sahib, fifteen years you’ve had my daughter, / and now you go to Blighty, sahib. / May the boat that takes you over / sink to the bottom of the pani, sahib!’.
at Blighty, n.
[Ind] (con. 1930s) in C. Allen Plain Tales from the Raj 186: Breakfast was usually ‘what we called a khaki steak, very tough meat worked to a frazzle.
at khaki steak (n.) under khaki, n.
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