Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Fairer Than a Fairy choose

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[UK] J. Grant Fairer Than a Fairy II 52: ‘But it is always the season here for plenty of gup among the Ditchers, as the residents of Calcutta are called,’ Jack remarked.
at Ditcher (n.) under Ditch, the, n.1
[UK] J. Grant Fairer Than a Fairy II 52: ‘But it is always the season here for plenty of gup among the Ditchers, as the residents of Calcutta are called,’ Jack remarked.
at gup, n.1
[UK] J. Grant Fairer Than a Fairy II 14: ‘[H]ence a description of the holder should always be appended, to prevent these Rum Johnnies from imposing upon us.’ [...] The servants, too, were of the Rum-Johnny order – a dissolute, dirty set of Mahomedans, whom I have before described – those usually picked up by young officers on account of their speaking the English language.
at rumjohnny, n.
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