Green’s Dictionary of Slang

caned adj.

[the equation of the effects of drink/drugs with suffering violence/cane v. (2)]

1. (drugs) extremely intoxicated by a drug, usu. cannabis.

[UK]Guardian G2 12 Jan. 3: When Ali G asks Sir Rhodes Boyson whether he thinks children should be ‘caned’ [...] most under-40s know he is talking about drugs.
[UK]J.J. Connolly Viva La Madness 296: All of them are caned — pinned or bloodshot eyes.

2. very drunk.

[UK]Guardian 14 Jan. 32: Rodds complaining about me getting caned at the weekend.
[Scot]L. McIlvanney All the Colours 229: I was still getting caned ten minutes later.