Green’s Dictionary of Slang

lusty-guts n.

a promiscuous man, a womanizer.

[UK]M. Stellato The zodiake of life n.p.: Or when the fomey horse beholdes, / the gadding mare astray. / Wyth hauty head vpheld he runnes, / and here and there he kickes: / And leapeth hedge and ditch abrode, / while lusty guts him prickes.
[UK]Misogonus in Farmer (1906) II iv: Disdain you Sir John? as good as you will have his company, As the fellowiest priest that in this shire; To all the lusty guts he is known for his honesty; Has not one drop of priests blood in him.
[UK]P. Stubbes Anatomie of Abuses 92: The king anointed [...] a hundred lustie guttes.
[UK]H. Porter Two Angry Women of Abington C3: Well lustie guts, I meane to make ye stay.
[UK]N. Breton Fantastickes in Grosart (1879) II 33/2: While lustie-guts and his best beloued were casting Sheepes eyes at a Cods head.
[UK]A. Nixon A straunge foot-post n.p.: VVOuld all our Lusty-Guts would looke in at this looking glasse.
[UK]J. Taylor A brown dozen of drunkards 13: [heading] 7. Drunken Laurence, ali-ass Lusty-guts.