Green’s Dictionary of Slang

lusty lawrence n.

also lusty Hodge
[a ballad entitled ‘Lusty Laurence’ is entered in the Stationers’ Register 1594]

a womanizer, a promiscuous man.

[UK]Marston Metamorphosis of Pigmalions Satyre 4 72: When strong backt Hercules [...] Rob’d fifty wenches of virginity. Farre more then lusty Laurence.
[UK]Fletcher Woman’s Prize I iii: Well, lusty Laurence, were but my night now, Old as I am, I would make you clap on Spurs, But I would reach you.
[UK]R. Burton Anatomy of Melancholy (1850) 287: Some strong and lusty, well fed like Hercules, Proculus the emperor, lusty Laurence.
[UK]Dekker Wonder of a Kingdom IV i: Hee’le prove a lustie Larrence.
[UK]R. Brome The late Lancashire vvitches n.p.: Marry but ile not undertake her at these yeares, if lusty Lawrence cannot do’t.
[UK]J. Taylor A brown dozen of drunkards 13: Lusty Laurence, that Lancashire Lad, who had 17. bastards in one year, if we believe his Ballad.
[UK]New Brawle 5: [H]is wenches are mad for him [...] There you are lusty Laurence, ready to run over them all .
[UK]J. Shirley Triumph of Wit (5 edn) 139: Yet lusty Hodge the stout Plough-Man I prize.