Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kvetch n.

also kvetsch
[kvetch v.]

1. a nag, a whiner, a complainer.

[US]D. Fuchs Homage to Blenholt 23: See, everyone laughed at me. I was a schlemiel, a fool, a nut, a quevetch.
[US]S. Bellow Herzog 61: She’s got a disgusting father and a kvetsch of a mother .
[US]Atlantic Monthly Jan. 43: The subway graffiti had began to include phrases like ‘Medea is a Yenta’ and ‘Kafka is a Kvetch’.
[US]L. Kramer Faggots 28: Fred was — in short — your average, standard, New York faggot obsessive kvetch.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 229: kvetch. A constant complainer or whiner.
[UK]Observer Rev. 27 June 8: Queen of the kvetch, the wry shrug, the pertinacious argument.
M. Binder Brothers Schlemiel 90: Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a kvetch. This man was known far and wide as the greatest complainer the world has ever known.

2. whingeing, complaining.

[US](con. 1962) J. Ellroy Enchanters 137: More kudos and kvetch from a college-kid perspective.