Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kvell v.

[Yid.; ult. Ger. quellen, to gush, to swell]

to boast, to feel proud or happy, to gloat, to enjoy oneself; thus kvelling n.

[UK]Listener 28 Dec. 849: The New York Spy is a useful and terribly bright guide to New York, conscientiously kvelling through ‘the city’s pleasures’.
[UK]J. Rosenthal Bar Mitzvah Boy Scene 73: He walked out! I was there! With a fifteen guinea hat on, kvelling!
[UK]Indep. Rev. 9 Oct. 5: He was beaming upon me like a parent. There’s a Yiddish word for it Kvelling.
[US]J. Ellroy ‘Jungletown Jihad’ in Destination: Morgue! (2004) 382: Jomo-Donny kvelled and kvetched.
[US]Mad mag. Apr. 31: I could kvell I’m so happy to meet you!
[US]Slate 20 Jan. 🌐 My dude pals kvelled enthusiastically about Pallenberg’s modest knockers.