Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kak n.

[S.Afr. Du. kak, excrement; but note cack n.2 ]

1. (chiefly S.Afr., also kakkie) excrement, also used fig.

[SA]M.J. Mtsaka Not His Pride I i: Tell me must the missus handle the kak of her own children? Unheard of . . .
[US]‘Jennifer Blowdryer’ Modern English 24: kak (n): Shit.
[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: kak n. (ka-k) Shit. From the Afrikaans – keek.
[UK]M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 43: A stranger’s kak smeared all over her face.
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 8 Jan. 🌐 A takkie is used to scrape the kakkie off your shoes when you don’t watch your step in the veld.
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 9 Jan. 🌐 I think the most popular of these words would be ‘kak’ en ‘moer’.

2. (S.Afr.) rubbish, nonsense.

J. Cope Alley Cat 83: Doof! A stone lands and sends over him a fine spray of dust. The hornbill cackle of Jonkman’s laugh — ‘Kak!’ he jeers [DSAE].
[SA]P. Slabolepszy Sat. Night at the Palace (1985) 17: Talk kak, man. (Smiling).
[SA]P. Slabolepszy ‘Boo to the Moon’ in Mooi Street (1994) 117: All I’m hearing coming outa’ the speakers is this pure kak. This totally unadulterated shit.
[SA]B. Simon ‘Score Me the Ages’ Born in the RSA (1997) 136: If he schemes you praat kak?
Stet 6:1 127: I check this out and I say to the flappie you must be mad, I know from Ntsangu, don’t give me kak.
[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex 51: That was a load of kak invented by the boere and the boneheads to stop okes from getting on a pluk.
[SA]Mail and Guardian (Johannesburg) 19 Oct. 🌐 She clearly doesn’t take kak from anyone.

3. (S.Afr.) trouble, chaos.

[SA]A. Dangor Z Town Trilogy 99: There’s a lot of kak going on out there.
[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex 216: Me and my Damara chommies AWOLed into the local township for jols and generally caused kak.
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 24 Sept. 🌐 Pity about the kak going on between [Charlize Theron] and Sean Penn.

In compounds

In phrases

give someone kak (v.)

to nag.

[SA]B. Simon ‘Outers’ Born in the RSA (1997) 51: My mommy used to give me kak. You too young for boyfriends – you too young to wear lipstick. [...] Fuckin’ nag, nag, nag so I ran away to Durban.
in (the) kak

in trouble.

[SA]B. Simon ‘Score Me the Ages’ Born in the RSA (1997) 137: Ag shame he’s a good sixty bucks, but he’s in kak now, was mos in the paper.
[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex 198: I am in deep kak.
[SA]Mail and Guardian (Johannesburg) 14 Dec. 🌐 Even a democracy as old as the U.S.A. are in the kak [...] a bush load of it.
up to kak (adj.)


[UK]J. McClure Snake 26: Their values, so called, are all up to kak!
S. Shekhawal Female Combatants in Conflict & Peace [ebook] Because men drive armies and they're up to kak [shit], that's why. So an institution like the army needs women to.

In exclamations