Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mivvy n.2

also mivvey
[? pron.]

a marble.

[UK]Crim.-Con. Gaz. 23 Feb. 56/1: I saw milk and water Rowton playing at bagatelle [...] Thinks I, what the devil is the sue of your winning the mivvies when you don’t smoke?
[UK]E.J. Milliken ‘Cad’s Calendar’ in Punch Almanack n.p.: Lor! the world would not be worth a mivvey, / If there warn’t no fools to cheek and chivy.
[UK]G. Beauchamp ‘Faces’ 🎵 Ladies too, upon my civvy, each one wears a different chivvy / One’s as round as a youngster’s mivvy.
[Aus]‘Henry Handel Richardson’ Aus. Felix (1971) 29: You were always a good one at striking a bargain, my boy! What about ‘Four mivvies for an alley!’ – eh, Dickybird?